Signal Flare
Signal Flare

Signal Flare

Survey Corps
“Its main purpose is long distance communication. Can be loaded with different kinds of ammo depending on the message.” - Fanfo.

1. General Description

The firearm uses pre-loaded barrels that lock into place on the pistol. Once fired, the barrels are replaced before it can be used again. The type of ammo used varies depending on the mission and message required.
The ammo color code in Shingeki no Craft is the following:
  • Red: Used when a Titan is spotted.
  • Black: Used when an Abnormal Titan is spotted.
  • Green: Change direction of the formation.
  • Purple: Help is needed. An emergency of some kind.
  • Blue: Used to give an order to retreat.
  • Yellow: Used to inform that the mission has ended.

2. Obtaining

The signal flare that can be crafter using a lever, a log and a block of and andesite. It can be loaded by using dye and gunpowder.

2.1 Crafting

Show craft (spoiler)
Craft for the The Signal Flare.
Craft for the The Signal Flare.

2.2 Loading

Show craft (spoiler)
Craft to load a color barrels (Shapeless).
Craft to load a color barrels (Shapeless).

2.3 Change ammo

Show method (spoiler)
Throw the loaded Signal Flare to dismount and change the load.
Throw the loaded Signal Flare to dismount and change the load.