SNC Official Developer API

SNC Official Developer API

BAA 1.2 should be out within the next 2 or 3 decades” -Bombface68

What is it?

The SNC Official Developer API, or SODA, is an API that allows for easier creation of addons to SNC. It was made by Bombface68, and is designed to be as easy to use as possible.

How does it work?

SODA works by changing all function calls in SNC to function tag calls, so all you have to do is add your functions to the appropriate function tags so that they can be ran at the same time as the functions in SNC.

How to use? (For players)

All you need to do to install this is put it into your datapack folder with the other packs you are using. When adding in world creation, this pack should be BELOW the main pack in the load order for it to work properly, but if you are adding it to a preexisting world, it should automatically be sorted below SNC in the load order.

How to use? (For developers)

To install SODA, follow the guide in the previous section. To make your function be called alongside the functions from the main pack, all you need to do is make the appropriate function tag in your pack that matches the tag of the function you want yours to be called with, and put your function in the tag. Its that simple! If you have any questions, feel free to DM @bombface68 on discord with your question. Fanfo also has a guide on his channel that can be found here. (Link will be added when video is posted).
